Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Goodbye May, Hello June!

May sort of went by quickly and I'm not sure I ever posted!

Unfortunately I only read one book (gasp!) last month, which doesn't really qualify for a mini review, given the book was only 60 pages.

I read Very Good Lives - JK Rowling's commencement speech from 2008. It was fantastic! I got my Mom and Dad to read it as well. I gave it 5 stars for inspiration, motivation, and all around healthy thinking and reading.

Here are a few pictures to wrap up the month of May.

Books I bought new in May

All books I got in May! Kindle represents End of Days, which isn't posted above, oops

Started reading Magonia. It's pretty good. I'm enjoying doing a lot of reading and writing outside. Except four our neighbor that smokes. And, he must be stressed lately because he's smoking every 5 minutes.

Went on a walk with my Dad. We keep trying to go on more but, busy times and lives!

Been having some stunning sunsets

 My Dad spotted this gorgeous moth and we observed it for a good ten minutes. Iridescent wings, black underneath makes him look spray painted white, fuzzy head. Just beautiful!

 James and I finally made it to Dinosauria at the Detroit Zoo. We got stuck in 30 minutes of car a line a few weekends ago, they weren't letting any more people in to park. So we abandoned and when we finally made it, it was busy but manageable. Didn't realize it would cost $5 a person but we had a great time. We ended up with free ice cream, too!

Admiring my London books collection

 Was pretty excited when I saw Bella Grace was out a few days early. I bought it immediately. Trying not to blaze through it as fast as I did the previous one. Halfway through. Savoring. Inspiration, motivation, peace.

 More time outside

 Though it's missing my newest succulent from my dad (outside soaking sun) I've been enjoying this corner of my desk. It's got a light, simple feeling to me. At least, compared to the rest of my desk and home and life. See my new bookends? They were bought and brought back from Malaysia (by a stranger)

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