Tuesday, September 22, 2015

England 2015! Part 1

I've been back for a week now. I have been in a little denial and facing post-England depression, (I also suffer from post-Christmas depression and I post-Potter depression, it's a thing for me). That is why I haven't posted pictures here. I've been stalling to compile the entire event, the pain of going through all the amazing things we did and saw and know I'm no longer there... Oh here I go getting sad again. But also, it was amazing and I want to share it!

Let's just jump right in!

We got there Friday after a terrible series of events. Our flight left an hour late in Detroit due to thunderstorms, we had to sit it out on the runway and when we finally did take off, we had such terrible turbulence a woman actually screamed. It did not lift anyone's spirits. To make matters worse, we were only served drinks (and I mean drinks) once and our row was repeatedly forgotten for food, food, trash, trash, food, trash, drinks. It was ridiculous. When I asked the man if he would please give me the breakfast snack after just giving to the row behind us and the row in front of us he was all "Why are you yelling at me?" and I said "I'm not? We're on a plane and it's loud? GIVE ME FOOD."

We were another thirty minutes late due to flying around more storms and when we got to Amsterdam we had a total of 15 minutes to make it to our next flight. They made a little announcement on the plane to please let those hurrying to their next flight leave first, but not one gave a shit. Thanks everyone!

Once we got off the plane we ran to our next flight and made it just in time. They were beginning to board. K and I were able to pee at the bathroom right next to the gate then walked from there to the the plane. What happened next you asked? I'm sure you guessed it. With out large flight being so late and us barely making it to the next flight, can you guess what didn't make it? Our luggage!

When we arrived in Newcastle we all had a sinking suspicion, and it wasn't as if customs were friendly and we were finally in a good mood. We waited until they began turning the lights off in the baggage claim. Sigh. Off we go to the giant line for missing luggage where we were finally dealing with a pleasant person who took care of everything and assured us not only was something really really wrong with so many people missing their luggage, but also we would have it within a day or two.

It was hard to move on. I had already been in those clothes (sweats, mind you) for too long and I faced going the rest of the day in them. And then, then they didn't show up until the end of Saturday!

Let's get to the fun stuff.

Just a small bit of Morpeth... Along the river Wansbeck (I love all names)

On the Steppys! Husband with the face, me looking over my shoulder, brother and his girlfriend up ahead.

Lindisfarne on Holy Island!

Same day we were off to Bamburgh!

North Sea at Bamburgh Castle

Next day we were off to Dunstanburgh! Here we ware clamoring on the rocks of Craster


In Craster...

To The Botanist!

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